LIVE STREAM: President Trump Holds Rally in Youngstown, Ohio

Fresh off of a meeting in Washington with Lebanon Prime Minister Saad Hariri, President Donald Trump is in Youngstown, Ohio to hold one of his “Make America Great Again” rallies.

The event is slated to begin at 7 p.m. EST on Tuesday and is being live streamed in the video at the top of the page.

Trump’s appearance in Ohio also comes just hours after members of the Senate voted 51-50 to move forward with debating the controversial GOP-led healthcare bill.

As ABC 6 reported, Ohioans have “mixed feelings” about efforts by Republicans to pass the bill.

“Some who rely on government assistance say they’re having trouble sleeping at night because they’re worried about their medical expenses,” the news outlet reported. “Others are hopeful the Republican plan will make things more affordable for them.”

Healthcare isn’t the only topic that’s coming out of Washington — far from it.

There’s also been immense speculation that Trump will fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who he’s spoken poorly about to the media and also on social media.

Trump has been critical of Sessions not only for the way the Department of Justice has approached “leaks” from within the administration, but also because he recused himself from the department’s investigation of Russia’s relationship with Trump’s presidential campaign.

Trump called it “unfair to the president” that special counsel had to be brought in.

Tuesday’s rally is being held at the Covelli Center, where capacity is at 7,000 people. Many of those supporters lined up early to make sure they got in, and tickets were free to the public.

Before the rally, Trump and First Lady Melania made a stop in Struthers, Ohio to take part in an event titled “A Salute to American Heroes.”

One day earlier, Trump spoke in front of a packed house at the Boy Scouts of America National Jamboree in West Virginia. Many were critical of his 38-minute speech to the crowd, of which many were children and teenagers. He took aim at the healthcare topic and boasted about his November presidential victory over Hillary Clinton.

The Boy Scouts released a statement on Tuesday after receiving blowback from parents who thought Trump’s speech was far too political. The organization said that it’s “wholly nonpartisan and does not promote any one position, product, service, political candidate or philosophy.”

Read the full statement below:

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President Donald Trump is holding a "Make America Great Again" rally in Youngstown, Ohio on July 25. Watch a live stream of the event.